![]() 05/27/2020 at 11:21 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Some of you may remem ber a few weeks back I mentioned that the neighbors dog atta cked me, completely unprovoked. At the time my wife and I were walking down our driveway to fetch the mail and noticed our new neighbor Sarah was there, uncommon as the place is normally empty. We wandered over and had drinks and whatnot with her and her friend. She recently adopted a res cu e dog, a Lab mix weighing 40lbs. The dog was very skittish and nervous, I avoided eye contact and did nothing to make the dog feel threatened. After an hour or so we started to head home and the dog jumped off the porch and charged us, biting me in the calf. It’s also worth noting that earlier in the day the dog came running down my driveway barking and snarling, fortunately it left an d went home on its own.
The next day we found out that the dog was up to date on her shots, Sarah bought us some pastries and offered to pay any medical bills. I have great insurance and declined her offer, and went to the hospital where I got a tetanus shot and antibiotics . A week of changing bandages and dealing with the side effects of the meds, the shits. Sarah committed to keeping the dog on a leash (it’s the law here anyway) and texting us wh ene ver she was going to be dropping by the house with her dog. We reported the attack w ith the county animal control people.
Yesterday I was working from home and noticed two dogs running around our property, these dogs belong to Sa rah’s mom (we’ll call her Karen). After dinner my wife Tammy walked over to the Karen’s to ask her to keep her d ogs leashed. The four dogs came after Tammy and scared the shit out of my wife. Knowing that Karen has four rescues and she committed to keeping them contained, an hour later we decided it was s afe to take a walk and fetch the mail. It’s a 1/4 mile walk, we got the mail and were close to home when two of Karen’s dogs charged us. They barked and snarled at us while we stood still and did nothing, Karen dragged the dogs away. I took the opportunity to point out to Karen if any dogs are on my property I will assume they mean to do us harm, and I will shoot them. She lost her shit, screaming at me.
Today we will report the incident with animal control (again), report it to the sheriff (I want it logged in the event I kills the dogs), and talk to Tammy’s cousin Mike ( a lawyer) with intent to sue. I love dogs but I have a right to be safe on my own property. Oppo, do n’ t let your pets hurt others.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 11:46 |
Yikes, I love dogs with all my heart, but this seems like a bad situation
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Do what ya gotta do, shame that it may be. In the end it’s the neighbors fault for failing to control their aggressive animals. IMHO anyway, don’t go to prison.
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Oppo, don’t let your pets hurt others.
mine only hurts socks
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After dinner my wife Tammy walked over to the Karen’s to ask her to keep her dogs leashed.
Knowing that Karen has four rescues and she committed to keeping them contained
I took the opportunity to point out to Karen if any dogs are on my property I will assume they mean to do us harm, and I will shoot them. She lost her shit, screaming at me.
Total Karen move
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Dogs can be a lot like people, most of them are pretty awesome (probably a higher percent of dogs than people) b ut some of them are just assholes.
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Serious: you’d totally be in the right to shoot any of those dogs if they approached you on your own property while off-leash and unaccompanied. Rescue dogs are generally more territorial and likely to attack
(in my experience) and should be contained until they’ve been adequately socialized. Good on you for getting it on-record with the Sheriff and Animal Control.
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Yeah, I was lenient the first time around. No more. They adopt rescue dogs (admirable) however several of them are flat out dangerous and should be put down. In the meantime Karen is tucked away in her $1.5 million house in Bellevue feeling great about herself.
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Research sez I have a right to protect myself, however a call to the sheriff should confirm this.
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I got bitten by my neighbors dog so hard I had to get my hand x-rayed. I don’t know if the dog’s bite hurt it or the punch I landed to the head of that insufferable fucking dog that did it.
I’m on your team with this one. I certainly wouldn’t be laying in wait to snipe a dog, but I wouldn’t be frightened while on my own lawn either. Tough situation, hope things work out for the best.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 12:00 |
Considering we live on 7 acre s in the middle of nowhere I expect to have a pretty calm, safe surrounding to wander around. Also, this is the third time I’ve been bitt en by a dog. Mossburg 500 with buck sh ot will stop any future attacks.
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Pretty much, however if a human attacks others they go to jail. Dog does it? feel bad for the dog, it was likely mistreated and as a result has lasting emotional scars. Fuck that.
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IIRC reading that despite the bad rep gained by pits (and bully breeds in general,) labs and lab mixes are at the top of the list of biters.
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How does anyone have time for 4 dogs? I hardly have time for one.
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That is the face of a hardened criminal.
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Shoot em.
Not a dog person.
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I’ve worked with a Malamute rescue. It’s rare but if a dog is dangerous to people, they have put it down.
I’m a huge dog lover but you do what you have to do to be safe. Cover all your bases
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Especially four dogs that clearly need behavioral correction.
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You might also call your homeowner insurance company and file a claim.
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Thats true, mentally they're more like a toddler than a human adult, they aren't really reasonable for their actions. Either mistreatment by bad owners, or some sort of psychological problem.
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Sounds like a terrible situation. I would until this is resolved at least carry bear spray. And spray those dogs a good one maybe with the owner in the cloud too.
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I really don’t think shooting anything is the answer
![]() 05/27/2020 at 12:27 |
Cue up my favorite roaming dog story!
Growing up country often meant letting the dogs wander as they will and a friend of mine was no exception. His dog, a purebred German Shepherd, was allowed to wander as he pleased. One day, my friend came home and the dog, who normally met him at the driveway, wasn’t there. He started calling for the dog and heard whimpering coming from under the front porch. He had to crawl under the porch and physically pull him out.
The dog had been shot.
So, my friend loaded the dog up to head to the vet’s place, about two miles away. He rushed into the waiting room, dog in his arms, asking for help. The vet let him into the examining room and he put the dog on t he table. After poking around a bit, the vet said, “it looks like a . 30- 06.” Amazed, my friend asked the vet how he could know that without digging out the bullet. “I shot him,” was the response.
The vet spotted the dog harassing his cows in the pasture next to his office. He was a big game hunter (he had a number of taxidermy trophies in the waiting area) and an excellent shot. He shot the dog on the run while it was chasing a cow. The dog survived the trip home, the trip back to the vet, and the surgery to remove the bullet. The vet told my friend to keep his dog at home or next time he would aim for his head.
I love dogs, but I fully support your intentions. I was bitten twice in my youth by two different dogs. To be fair, both times I was at their homes, so they saw it as defending their territory. If dogs see your property as part of their territory, they need to learn otherwise.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 12:29 |
Going on the internet threatening gun violence is...
In this instance I agree with the lawyer who suggested exhausting every acceptable means of dealing with the situation while taking pains to protect yourself. Of which there are numerous physical deterrents in the non-lethal category you and your wife could learn to use with great effectiveness.
My best wishes dealing with after effects of Covid and this animal attack. Also this tendency towards making ill advised statements on the internet.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 12:30 |
That would be my inclination, to walk to the mailbox with the shotgun slung over my shoulder. Strike three, they’re out. What state do you live in?
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same goes for cats, but closer to people as far as asshole percentage goes
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The only dog that’s ever attacked me unprovoked was a lab. It had been a little weird getting into the elevator (it’s owner had a newborn, and she said the dog had been overprotective since the kid was born), but then when they got off it went for my leg (fortunately only getting my jeans). I honestly felt terrible for the woman, because it’s easy to imagine that the change in the dog’s life had freaked it out, but at the same time you can’t have a dog that’s just going to attack random people. What if he had bitten some kid instead of a dog lover with relaxed fit pants? Stressful, during an already stressful time.
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1.5 in Bellevue has me thinking of a double wide
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That’s a sad story on multiple levels. How does a dog survive a 30.06 round?
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As a fellow Canadian I agree with you, but I can’t let their pets hurt others. If I have family or f r ie nds over I would hope they would be safe here. The Sheriff and animal control told me a few minute s ago I have every right to defend myself on my property.
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I mean, I trust you to do what’s prudent and without being there I can’t judge for myself.
As a victim of a dog attack that left me unable to use my hand for months, permanent scaring and a badly wounded poodle, I totally understand.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 12:37 |
2500 sq ft three bedr oom, 2.5 baths on a 1/3 of an acre. Drives a silver Audi SUV . Has a sensible bob cut. Complete Karen in every sense of the word.
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I have a long history of making poor wardr obe choices, I was rocking shorts as usual.
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Thank you. I’ll look into alternatives (perhaps bear spray).
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It must have been in winter, I’m pretty much always in shorts once it’s above 50 (excepting stupid work environments with dress codes, not the case at the time) .
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Through-and-through shot with a non-expanding bullet. If it doesn’t hit any bone on the way through, you can expect it to leave a small hole on both entry and exit. Some hunters reload their own cartridges and there are “varmin t” recipes which have a lower-energy powder charge. It wouldn’t surprise me if the vet was using a smaller load for shooting small animals around his property. A standard load is meant for 1,000 yards and I know his place wasn’t a half a mile long.
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Seattle area is reasonably mild, I wear shorts year round. Also, wh en it’s cold a checkered jacket with a hoodie. I look like Eddie Vedd er, with no discernible talent.
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A friend of mine worked in northern Cali post residency. Had to reattach a thumb twice on the same person from an unleashed dog attack . The number of people who think it’s ok to leave their dog off leash in public places boggles my mind.
“They’d never attack somebody...”
I wonder how many pediatricians and er docs have heard that before.
A couple of years ago I was attacked by a dog that got out of its house . My wife and I were walking our infant twins and two dogs. One of my dogs intercepted it and I was bit as I tried to separate them. After the bite I just joined in the fight beating the shit out of the dog. Ultimately it went completely submissive and limp. I had to choke my dog out to get it to release the other guy.
After that I started carrying a huge can of bear mace and walk my dogs very infrequently as I continually encounter selfish fucks who don’t leash up their dogs.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 13:05 |
It would be the third party’s homeowners policy. Nothing that has occurred would fall under his
![]() 05/27/2020 at 13:09 |
I’m sorry to hear that you and Mrs. Mid Engine have to deal with inconsiderate neighbors/horrible pet owners. Hopefully they will quickly come to their senses before the law has to step in. In the meantime, you should carry your smartphone with you at all times in your neighborhood — even when getting the mail.
Also, I hope this ‘Karen’ doesn’t look like, behave, or is Amy Cooper. She’s not a neighbor anyone wants nor needs to deal with.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 13:24 |
I was assuming that his insurance would be eager to establish that it was Karen’s insurance issue.
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Unfortunately not. Insurance companies are usually not there to help you with disputes/recoveries that are not subrogation related
![]() 05/27/2020 at 13:43 |
It’s always easy to stand back and talk s**t when there’s a story such as this one, but in the case of this member’s story, I’d be slinging my shotgun when I walked to the mailbox or around my property, if for no other reason than for Karen to see it. I do not consider myself to be a “dog person,” per se, though I do enjoy them somewhat and tolerate them generally, and my wife has two of them and they are a large part of household life. Part of responsible dog ownership, IMO, is not only getting them their shots, but keeping them from getting shot.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 13:44 |
That’s your line of work, directly or indirectly, isn’t it? Risk management, or something?
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This is all many layers of unacceptable. Have you called an attorney?
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It is! I am in Risk Management/Claims. My job title is “Claims Advocate”, I work for the policy holder rather than the insurer to ensure that the broadest application of coverage is applied and the insured makes the biggest recovery possible under their policy.
Typically larger commercial losses or high net worth homeowners.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 13:51 |
Spoke to my wif e’s cousin Mike, he’s an attorney that does this sort of thing. He’ll handle it, expect $20k settlement from the home owners insurance . Mike gets 1/3, I’m fine with that
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So what entity employs you? The policy holder’s insurer?
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Broker/Agent. It’s a value added service we provide to our clients. I also assist with losses that are either underinsured/uninsured to assist with expert retention or even action against other parties.
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Unless it’s with a potato gun filled with peanut butter
![]() 05/27/2020 at 14:07 |
Yes, I spoke with Mike this morning. The process will begin and likely take a few months. Expect $20k from homeowners insurance, Mike gets 1/3
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Second time I’ve seen mention of her today. What a w ack world we live in nowadays.
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What did he say about shooting the dogs if they come over and threaten you again?
![]() 05/27/2020 at 14:26 |
You aren’t wrong. Pa rt of living in the country is gun ownership. I can’t recall any of my high school friends who didn’t own either a shotgun or a .22. While dog ownership should include keeping your dogs at home so they don’t get shot , the unfortunate truth is that many dog owners don’t bother.
Now I have a completely new image of Rusty.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 14:40 |
This is the worst, a dog owner unable to control their aggressive animals. We had a neighbor (not nextdoor) that had large aggressive dogs they let run loose. I talked to them and asked them to control the dogs and was promptly told to fuck off.
The dogs ended up mauling on of my cats very seriously - the cat lived but was in a cone for months. One night when they were running loose again they got taken care of... I was well within my legal rights to do so here. I called the police about the mauling and they did not care at all (rural county) and advised me to shoot the dogs if they were a problem.
So I hate to say it, but there are few pretty solutions to this extremely shitty problem. I do not blame the dogs, but the owners who did a serious dis-service to the animals in these cases. I hope your problem resolves itself in a less unkind way, but take care of you and your own. I would be even more hesitant to take an injury that sent me to the hospital now.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 14:42 |
No, this:
This one isn’t mine, but I just bought an 870 with black synthetic stock and ordered a wooden one from GunBroker.com. Not into guns as tactical play things, but as necessary tools. Also this:
And when I visit my cousin in Virginia, this:
Ruger Super Alaskan in .454 Casull. Last time I was there, he’d loaded some rounds at maximum strength and let me tell you, that thing was a handful.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 15:01 |
Welcome to the 870 club. I inherited my grandfather’s 870 Wingmaster which looks a lot like the one you posted. It was new in the late ‘60s. A friend of ours is a gunsmith and I had him do a general service on my 870 a few years ago. He said it was the cleanest one he’d ever seen. That’s a testament to how little it’s been used since I inherited it.
I’ve mentioned before that I inherited a couple of firearms from my mom. The shotgun she bought for home defense is a Mossberg 500 with a short barrel and collapsible stock. That thing kicks like a mule and isn’t much fun to shoot, so it’s probably only seen two or three boxes of shells since new .
The pistol is an M&P .40. I’m not fond of the abbreviated grip on the M&P, but it fit her hand well. I only shoot it with the long magazine which provides a place for my pinky to rest. I’m not a fan of big handguns. I don’t like feeling that I could lose control of something that could seriously injure someone around me.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 15:25 |
Any dogs determined to be “vicious” in my county can be “destroyed”.
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These people should be put in the pound.
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Mike suggested I buy a handgun . Animal control and the Sheriff told me I’m within my rights to protect myself. I ordered bear spray and will carry that around rather than dragging a gun around all the time
![]() 05/27/2020 at 17:05 |
What makes a Wingmaster? My 870 is a bit of a beater, having served its life in cop duty, so lots of scuffs and scrapes from going into and out of the rack in the cruiser. It’s spent the past thirty years in a guy’s closet and I gave $150 for it.
I made a point of sharing photos of a very ornate shotgun a few months back that belonged to my step grandfather to someone here who is a shotgun aficionado. If not, I’ll post again.
WRT handguns, I like revolvers. I really don’t like the action of the slide sliding around on an auto. I don’t hunt at all, but my wife’s comrade from work has a husband who does, and they keep us in venison, which I slice up small and quick-sear with a bit of salt and eat it plain.
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If you decide to buy a handgun, I’d recommend a .38 special revolver. Few working parts, and a light load can be quite manageable. Now, I realize we’re talking about some folks’ religion here, but you can’t beat a revolver for simplicity and dependability.
Be careful with the pepper spray because even the finest traces of the atomized mist will make you very uncomfortable. You probably already know this, but I’ve been around the stuff a few times and it is not fun at all. In fact, I found the CS gas we had to endure annually in the Army to be less unpleasant than pepper spray.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 17:43 |
What makes it a Wingmaster ? I think the primary clues are the blued steel, the vent rib, and the walnut stock and pump. It also has W ingmaster branding on it, but the logo is subtle. It’s just one of the many variants of the 870.
I’ve seen some beautiful shotguns. If I shot more often, I’d seriously consider getting something shiny and new. If I decided to start hunting around here, I’d probably just get a rifled barrel for my 870 for deer and the gunsmith friend recommended an inexpensive yildiz pump with composite furniture for waterfowl. He said he’s seen guys abuse them by throwing them in the bottom of a john boat and they just keep working.
I don’t have much experience with revolvers, but I understand what you mean. The first 9mm I shot kept jamming because I wasn’t familiar with the action and wasn’t providing enough resistance to the kick for the slide to work properly.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 18:15 |
From the picture, the Wingmaster is far more refined in appearance. Certainly more refined than mine is!
I’ll post the photos of Saul’s shotgun this evening for you to see. It’s a beautiful gun and was clearly the apple of his eye.
![]() 05/27/2020 at 18:38 |
I really don’t want a gun, it’s a pain in the ass to have on you when you’re outside d oing stuff on the property. The spray is small and easy to put in your pocket.
The stuff I bought is a gel so little to no mist effect , and can project 30'. Either way, it’s worth paying attention when using it. Note it’s 20 times stronger than pepper spray.